SOURCE now released!

May 8th, 2017

The road to the finish was rocky, steep, and winding--and that's the way I like it! But unlike how I feel after some of the races I run these days, I'm ecstatic about how this book finished. I hope you feel the range of emotions that went into it. Those are real. :)           I'm forever grateful to tho... Read More

Much better late than never

May 15th, 2016

I submitted the original version of MEASURE OF DANGER for a Publishers Weekly review two years ago and assumed it had been passed over. I'm grateful that it has now received attention, and it was worth the wait! The review on the PW site is here.   Read More

MEASURE OF DANGER – Honorable Mention in 2014 Writer’s Digest Self-Published eBook Awards

January 21st, 2015

I'm happy to have received an award in the Genre Fiction category of this competitive annual contest! I now also have the judge's comments, which I've pasted below. As my self-published ebook moves on to a republished and improved version to be released in June, it's still nice to get this recognition for the original version submitted back in J... Read More