“Klages kicks off a promising action series with this compelling thriller featuring former U.S. Army intelligence analyst Kade Sims. Kade, who was honorably discharged after he was diagnosed with hypomania, has settled into a quiet life working in a Virginia Home Depot. But his illness turns out to have a practical benefit, at least to the FBI, whose agents found that their new high-tech infrared lie detector could not determine whether Kade was telling the truth or not. That tendency, coupled with his unconventional blog, makes him a promising candidate to go undercover inside the Chapter, “the best financed and most lethal private militia in U.S. history,” which is using AgriteX, an agricultural biotech company, as a front. Despite his lack of field experience, Kade is intrigued enough to agree to the assignment, which becomes even more difficult once he hooks up with the Chapter and a computer chip is inserted in his head, significantly limiting his freedom of movement. Klages keeps the suspense at a high level throughout. Readers will look forward to a sequel.”

Publishers Weekly

“A riveting thriller. Move over Clancy and Child!” — Kirkus Reviews

Measure of Danger blends intelligence ops, frightening technology and corporate intrigue in an inventive thriller that tightens its grip with each page. The plot will keep you guessing, but it’s the equally unpredictable Kade Sims who makes this adventure such a fun one.” — Bob Mayer, New York Times Bestselling Author 

“Strong characterization, a sense of place and purpose, and an evolving technological threat together make Measure of Danger a strong recommendation for any reader of high-technology thrillers; especially prior fans of Tom Clancy, Jack Higgins, Robin Cook and others writing in this vein.” — Diane Donovan, Midwest Book Review

Measure of Danger becomes so enthralling that it’s hard to believe Jay Klages hasn’t been publishing military thrillers for years.” — Red City Review

Measure of Danger, Jay Klages’ debut novel is a page-turning techno-thriller written by a former military intelligence officer and a West Point graduate. Klages’ experience and expertise is revealed with his believable dialog, details, and operative descriptions…thriller readers will be glued to the pages to find out what happens next as the plot twists and spins with unrelenting action and surprise as the pieces and clues come together.” — Chanticleer Book Reviews

“The plot will keep readers riveted with lots of twists, turns, action and thrills.” — Readers’ Favorite

“The book Measure of Danger by debut author Jay Klages is sure to delight readers looking for a new suspense author.” — Judge, Writer’s Digest 2nd Annual Self-Published eBook Awards




I’m very thankful for those taking the time to post Amazon and Goodreads reviews. I have some wonderful reviews on Amazon, and it’s really hard to narrow to a Top Ten, but here’s the list. These are reviews that inspired me, made me laugh, or were otherwise insightful. They don’t reflect the reviews readers have voted as the most helpful. I’ll continue to revise my Top Ten as I read your reviews!

#10: “…even the bad guys are not nut jobs…”

#9: “Started reading “Measure of Danger” on a Sunday afternoon and finished as the sun was rising on Monday!”

#8: “Be prepared to fall into a new world and not emerge until the last page!”

#7: “I’m so glad I finished Measure of Danger by Jay Klages – now I can have my life back!”

#6: “An unnerving question is how much of the story is “fiction” and how much is based on actual events – or at least thwarted schemes.”

#5: “I was fortunate in 1985 to receive a book from a friend, called Hunt for Red October. Tom Clancy`s first book. This book being his first is right up there.”

#4: “Unlike most “Jack Reacherish” characters who possess almost super-hero powers…”

#3: “A different kind of eye candy, for your reading mind!”

#2: “This is a great read, not only for those who have been in the Intelligence Community but for those who have never been.”

#1: “I suspect that Mr. Klages will be delivering his works through a publishing house before long, so get in now before a Jay Klages work at $2.99 is nothing but a faded memory.”