MEASURE OF DANGER: New cover reveal + signed book giveaway

April 16th, 2015

More excitement! MEASURE OF DANGER received its new cover, created by Scott Barrie of Cyanotype, as part of its Thomas &  Mercer publication. Initial feedback has been great, and I think it captures the creepy mood of the story better than the original.


MOD is now posted on Amazon with a 6.16.2015 publication date, but it’s also available for pre-order in print and digital.

I’m going to send out three signed books at the first opportunity I receive advance copies in my grubby hands. This is how I’ll do the random selections:

First drawing: from those who have signed up for my newsletter here on my author site.

Second drawing: from those who have Liked my Facebook author page.

Third drawing: from those who post a Twitter message containing #MeasureofDanger.

This will start the countdown and help stir up some fun activity before launch. I would call it Phase One, but that would sound too much like MOD’s Marshall Owens, heh heh :).

Thanks for reading!