
December 30th, 2016

The imminent New Year demands resolutions while many of us remain in shock, overwhelmed that we (eventually) have to box up the holiday decorations and get back to work.

I thought I’d share a poem that was part of my mental end-of-year dump. The structure and scheme progressively de-clutter, and it ends in a place I hope you enjoy. :)

Wishing you health and happiness in 2017! –JK



We wipe the dust
Remove the rust
In a room full of junk
From a life full of scenes
Our mind is the closet
We must intervene

To organize and label
Downsize when we’re able
Rearrange the whole place
Create open space
Make way for the new
And provide a clear view

From journeys we chose
And with those we connected
We try to dispose
Of regrets we’ve collected

To leave us those things
Not laying on our shelves
Treasured thoughts that can bring
Some peace in ourselves